Phoebe D.

Women’s Sexual and Emotional Empowerment Coach

Become the woman you want to be.

EMBRACE your humanity - DISCOVER your inner wisdom - EXPERIENCE your freedom


Who am I?

I am never more fulfilled than when I am learning, growing and connecting. I desire to live my life as fully as possible, and strive to take complete ownership for my life, my choices and my internal world. I want to be real and embrace the messiness of life, as uncomfortable as that can be sometimes!

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I believe…

  1. We are whole.

  2. Empowerment comes from within.

  3. Shame heals in light.

  4. Taking responsibility sets me free.

  5. Our sexuality is natural and beautiful.

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I studied at the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality under Layla Martin. I am a certified VITA Love, Sex and Relationship Coach and have specialized in Women’s Sexuality and Empowerment.

I use a combination of:

  1. Embodiment Practices

  2. Deep Guided Meditations

  3. Emotional Resilience Practices

    …among other things.

Find me out in public!


My YouTube Channel.

On my Channel, Tea with Phoebe D., I teach tools for emotional and sexual empowerment… which means that I help you understand and deal with the internal and external things that keep you from living your FULLEST self. LIKE… a guided mindful pleasure practice, what my inner demons look like and how to connect with them, how to face your own shadows, and what you need to know about sexuality after religion.


My Podcast.

I bring people on and have conversations with them about their life and their experiences of sex and sexuality after religion, parenthood, trauma or loss, among other things. My podcast is NOT a ‘sexy’ podcast but rather looking for a REAL and deep understanding of how our bodies and sexuality are affected by the things that happen in our lives.