Want to learn more about me?


My Childhood

I was raised in a loving and extremely conservative christian family. I’m still working out whether it was a cult or not, but if not, it’s damn close. If you were raised in a similar way, you know what it’s like- you’re taught that it’s a sin to question, it’s dangerous to trust yourself, and the answers are all outside of yourself- from a God that’s external to you, a book, or ministers. I lived in a very sheltered way. Although I went to public school until I was thirteen, I wasn’t allowed to get close to anyone who was not from my religion, so I didn’t know much about the way other people lived their lives (to be fair, not many kids do). When I was thirteen, my family and I moved to Ecuador, in South America. We moved there to support the ministers. This was an eye-opening and enriching experience, to say the least. I learned so much from living there. While there, I was in a bus that was hijacked, which affected my relationships, my sexuality and gave me PTSD for years after. Once I left home and started working, I slowly started to question the way I was raised and the religion I was raised in. It took many years, but eventually I left for good when I was twenty-eight. It has been one of the best decisions of my life. I feel more whole and more joy, I accept responsibility for my life and my choices, and I feel free to be the best that I can be.

My Sexual Journey

After years of focusing on my spiritual growth, studying and researching, leaving the cult/sect that I was in, and coming to a place of joy and peace, my sexuality started coming up to be healed. I wondered why I had certain fantasies, why I could never be fully present during sex, why I wasn’t turned on more easily, why I couldn’t say no, and why I did things I didn’t want to do. I tried seeing sex therapists and psychologists, and started to get a bit of help, but my healing really took off when I signed up for Layla Martin’s OBliss course in early 2018. Her teachings really helped me to slow down, listen to my body, love myself, love my pussy, set boundaries, and become more integrated. It started my journey of healing sexual trauma from when I was a teenager and re-defining what sexuality means to me.

So I decided that I wanted to offer that to others, and in 2019 took her course to become a VITA Sex, Love and Relationship coach through her intensive 650-hour program, and I have done over 200 hours of coaching. I am passionate about helping women overcome shame, guilt and repression, within their sexuality and in other areas. I want to educate women on how to find their power, joy and sovereignty (having full ownership of yourself by making fully informed choices). I want us all to be nourished and strengthened by our sexuality and pussy magic!!

Me as a person.

I am a perfectly imperfect woman who constantly strives to meet every part of me with compassion and acceptance- including the striving part ;).  I love real, I love humanity, and I love big earrings. I am happily partnered with a woodworking, intelligent and generous man, and a Mom to an amazing four-year-old son who loves firetrucks and Paw Patrol. I love that my husband will have deep conversations with me about important things, and not shy away from arguments and disagreements about them. I love the passion we have when we make the time for each other. I love deep conversations, chocolate, rivers, journalling, sex, Agatha Christie novels, and learning new things. I don’t like not being good right away at everything, when people yield in a merge lane, judge people without knowing them, (I am working on not judging judgemental people hehe) and when they put nuts in baking. My girlfriends are a vital part of my life. I have a tattoo that says “I am always with me”. To me, this means that I can’t escape myself- I am with me 24/7. So I need to make sure that I am happy with myself, love myself, enjoy time with myself and am compassionate to myself. One of my favourite quotes is “I saw that you were perfect, and I loved you. Then I saw that you weren’t, and I loved you even more.”